Monthly Newsletter July 2022
Dear Friends,
I am writing to you because we need your help to fulfill a ministry opportunity that has just been presented to us. We (Lisa and I) have been invited to minister at a weeklong youth conference in western Ukraine the last week of July.
The devastation of this current war has brought trauma, fear, pain, disillusionment, hopelessness and despair to the youth of this country. They are in need of encouragement, inner healing, hope, love and the peace that only Jesus can bring.
(Ukrainian youth recruited for military)
This conference is being administered by the combined efforts of the congregations where we have regularly ministered for the past 15 years. They are expecting over 500 teenagers to attend, which will include believers and nonbelievers.
By faith, Lisa and I have said yes to this invitation. But with the rising cost of air travel, our expenses will be well over $6000. That is why we are asking friends and partners to make a tax-deductible contribution to this cause.
Will you help us bring the delivering, saving ministry of the love of Jesus and the healing and restoring power of the Holy Spirit to these youth?
If you can help us, please make your tax-deductible donation to Paul Cheatham Ministries by clicking on the link below.
Zelle to
Cash app $paulcministries
Blessings and Great Grace to all of you!
Paul & Lisa Cheatham

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